Title IX
Title IX - Nondiscrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance.
AAUW - Title IX
The American Association of University Women champions equal opportunities in education. Title IX affects all areas of education including careers, sexual harassment, recruitment, admissions and housing, financial assistance, student health, athletes and more. AAUW works for strong enforcement of Title IX and polices that will extend equal protections.
Beyond Title IX
The Futures Without Violence program Beyond Title IX provides campuses with the tools and resources they need to prevent and respond to gender based-violence in higher education. Resources include action plans, campus health center resources, Title IX guidance from Office of Civil Rights, webinars and more.
Champion Women
The focus of Champion Women is Title IX. The goals is to level the playing field for female athletes. Champion Women has taken the athletic department data that colleges and universities report to the Department of Education and made it user-friendly. Find out if your school treats women fairly.
Equity in Athletics Data Analysis
EADA is designed to provide rapid customized reports for public inquiries related to equity in athletic.
Advocates for Youth
Know Your IX is a survivor-and youth- led-project that aims to empower students to end sexual and dating violence in their schools. Their mission is to educate college and high school students in the U S about their legal rights to safe education free from gender-based harm.
National Coalition for Women and Girls in Education
NCWGE is a nonprofit organization formed to educate the public about issues concerning equal rights for women and girls in education; monitor the enforcement and administration of current legislation related equal rights; and perform research and analysis.
NWLC Education and title IX
The National Women’s Law Center fights for gender justice- in courts, in public policy, and in our society- working across issues that are central to the lives of women and girls. NWLC resources include affirmative action in education.
NWLC Title IX Webinar
Using Title IX to end gender disparities in athletics.
Title IX
U. S. Department of Education: policy, fact sheet, information and resources.
Title IX
U. S. Department of Education, Title IX and Sex Discrimination. Revised August, 2021.
Title IX
The U. S. Department of Justice Title IX legal manual.
Unlevel Playing Fields
This series of video highlights the impact of Title IX on girls and women in sports.