Global Equality
Women’s Organizations around the world are challenging inequitable conditions, poverty and violence against women and girls. These organizations fight for women’s rights and justice for everyone.
Center For Global Development
CGD works to reduce global poverty and improve lives through economic research that drives better policy and practice by the world’s top decision makers.
Center For Womens Global Leadership
CWGI works at the intersection of gender, human rights, and economic policy, and utilizes the following strategies: Conven, Research, Advocate.
Council On Foreign Relations
CFR is an independent, nonpartisan think tank dedicated to being a resource to member organizations, government officials, educators, citizens. The focus is on understanding the world and foreign policy choices facing the U. S.
Equality Now
Equality Now works with an international network of lawyers, activists and supporters to tackle difficult issues, challenge engrained cultural assumptions and call out inequality.
Global Girls Worldwide Women
GGWW advocates for girls and women in a universal context: women’s rights, end child marriage; end mutilation; legal rights; women in war.
Global Rights for Women
Global Rights for Women has worked with more than 60+ international partners to identify obstacles to justice and safety for survivors of violence, with the goal of improving law, policy and practices so that women have improved safety and equality within their communities.
Global Women Leaders Voices for Change
GWL Voices for Change is an advocacy group for multilateralism and gender equality made up by the voices of 62 global women leaders.
Human Development
Human Development focuses on improving the lives people lead rather than assuming that economic growth will lead, automatically, to greater wellbeing for all. Human Development is about giving people more freedom to live lives they value. This is a United Nations program.
IPU Parline Global Data
Parline - Global Data on National Parliaments is a free resource with 600 data points. Included are data on women, elections and more.
Organization For Economic Co-operation and Development
OECD Social Institutions for Gender Index measures discrimination against women in social institutions across 179 countries.
OxFam America is a global organization that fights inequality to end poverty and injustice. The organization offers life saving support in times of crisis and advocates for economic justice, gender equity and climate.
Social Institutions and Gender Index
The OECD Development Center’s Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) measures discrimination against women across 179 countries.
Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world. The UN has set 5 goals to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
UN Women is the United Nations entity dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women. The focus is on women in leadership, freedom from all forms of violence, economic autonomy, and building sustainable peace and resilence.
UN Women Americas
United Nations Women Americas and the Caribbean regional and country offices and websites.
Vital Voices
Vital Voices invests women who are taking on the world’s greatest challenges. It’s resources include helping with increased capacity, a peer network, skills training which range from gender-based violence and climate justice to economic inequities and political disempowerment.
Women Business and The Law
Women, Business and the Law is a World bank Group project collecting data on laws and regulations that affect women’s economic opportunity.
Women Deliver
Women Deliver is a leading global advocate that champions gender equality and the health and rights of girls and women. Over the next 5 years the organization will focus on health and SRHR, women’s economic justice and rights, and climate change.
Women For Afghan Women
The organization is dedicated to protecting and promoting the rights of disenfranchised Afghan women and girls.
Women For Women International
Women For Women works in countries affected by conflict and war. The organization helps marginalized women earn and save money, improve health, and influence decisions in their home and community.
Womens Forum
Women’s Forum is an international platform for transforming the power of women’s voices and perspectives into forward-thinking economic and policy initiatives for societal change. Initiatives include Barometer on Gender Equity, Rising Talents, Women entrepreneurs4Good, Youth Voices.
Women Around The World
Women Around The World examines the relationship between the advancement of women and U. S. foreign policy interests, including prosperity and stability. This is a Council on Foreign Relations blog.
World 101
World 101 is a library of free multimedia resources for classrooms, corporate training, and at home. The goal is to help the American public build an understanding of today’s issues and how they are relevant.
World Bank/Gender
The World Bank Group works with public-and private-sector clients to close gaps between males and females globally.