Media Literacy
Media literacy is necessary to navigate the twenty-first century. these organizations teach critical thinking that enables users to decode messages, understand influences, and engage in the global media environment that is a part of our everyday lives.
4 Every Girl is a national movement that will have a positive and profound impact on the lives of millions of girls across our Nation. They work to change the way all forms of our entertainment media see and portray girls so our girls will see and value themselves as positive, intelligent strong and creative.
The Children’s Screen Time Action Network is a coalition of practitioners, educators, and advocates working to promote a healthy childhood by reducing the amount of time kids spend with digital devices. The Network is a project of Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood.
The organization is a nonprofit dedicated to expanding access to computer science in schools and increasing participation by young women and students from underrepresented groups. It is provider of k-12 computer science curriculum in the largest school districts in the U.S.
Common Sense Media
Common Sense Media rates movies, TV shows, books, and more so parents can feel good about the entertainment choices they make for their kids. They offer the largest, most trusted library of independent age-based ratings and reviews.
The Cornerstone of Civic Online
The Stanford History Education Group (SHEG) designed COR to help educators teach students the methods that fact checkers use to evaluate the trustworthiness of online sources. Lessons and assessments provide students with opportunities to apply fact checkers’ questions to real-world examples.
Digital Citizenship Institute
The Digital Citizenship Institute is an inclusive innovation network promoting a positive digital citizenship message of social good through the use of social media and technology. They provide a community-driven approach to educating and empowering digital citizens to create solutions in local, global and digital communities.
Digital Wellness Lab
The Boston’s Children’s Hospital Digital Wellness Lab seeks to understand and promote wellness in the digital age. Programs include resources for children, 0-25; clinic for interactive media and interactive disorders; research projects focusing on interactive media.
A digital platform powering offline action, is mobilizing young people in every U.S. area code and in 131 countries! Sign up for a volunteer, social change, or civic action campaign to make real-world impact on a cause you care about.
Girls Who Code
The mission of Girls Who Code is to close the gender gap in k-12 computer science classrooms. They are working to expand computer science courses to all middle schools; fund gender inclusion training; implement data-driven solutions to address the gender gap in tech.
Girl Security
The mission of Girl Security is to close the gender gap in national security through learning, training, and mentoring support for girls. The Girl Security SEA Model seeks to build a world where women are the decision makers responsible for securing our nation. The organization partners with schools in the classroom to create an intensive learning experience.
Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media
This research-driven organization collaborates within the media and entertainment industry to expose gender imbalance, identify unconscious bias and creatively remodel content to achieve gender equity.
Kids in the House is the largest parenting video library in the world. Their educational website aims to help parents and caregivers become better at parenting by educating, inspiring and entertaining.
The mission of Media Literacy Now is to drive policy change in every state and at the national level to ensure all K-12 students receive comprehensive media literacy education and skills. The organization prepares young people to be effective consumers of media. Classroom and parent materials are available.
National Association for Media Literacy Education (NAMLE)
NAMLE’s mission is to be the leading voice, convener and resource to foster critical thinking and effective communication for empowered media participation.
Net Literacy
Net Literacy was founded by a middle school student in 2003; its board is 50% comprised of students, and the organization has developed an integrated series of digital literacy programs: Senior Connects, Safe Connects, Computer Connects, Community Connects, the Net Literacy Alliance, Financial Connects, and the Digital Literacy “best practices” website.
The News Literacy Project
The News Literacy Project, a nonpartisan national education nonprofit, provides programs and resources for educators and the public to teach and share the abilities needed to be smart, active consumers of news and information, and equal and engaged participants in a democracy.
Newseumed offers free resources to cultivate the First Amendment and media literacy skills essential for civic life. Their goal is to create citizens who think critically, express themselves effectively, engage openly with diverse viewpoints, and balance their rights and responsibilities.
The Parents Television Council’s mission is to protect children and families from graphic sex, violence and profanity in the media, because of their proven long-term harmful effects. Their vision is to provide a safe and sound entertainment media environment for children and families across America.
Shaping Youth
Shaping Youth’s mission is to shift negative influences of pop culture to a healthier worldview for kids.
Stanford History Education Group/ Civic Online Reasoning
Stanford has developed new civic online reasoning lesson plans for middle and high school students. The tasks are paper-and-pencil-tasks as well as task that the students complete online.