College Campus Initiatives
College students are preparing for their futures and academics should be their main priority yet personal safety and health issues are a major concern them. The following organizations offer programs and resources to assist them with these issues.
Active Minds
Active Minds is a national nonprofit organization supporting mental health awareness and education for young adults. The organization focuses on education, research, advocacy, and insight and resources for young adults ages 14-25 via chapters at colleges across the nation.
American Association of University Women /Higher Education and Other Pathways
AAUW addresses the pathways to economic success for women with college, graduate and professional degrees. Resources include gender bias in school, title IX, sexual misconduct in schools, career pathways, and more.
American College Health Association (ACHA)
ACHA works to advance the health of college students and campus communities through advocacy, education, and research. Resources include information on health topics. It offers a pdf addressing sexual and relationship violence on campus.
Breakthrough’s Action Lab
Breakthrough is an organization that uses a potent mix of media, arts, and technology to dismantle cultural norms that lead to violence and discrimination. Breakthrough’s Action Lab is an intensive training in recognizing and dismantling the cultural norms that lead to gender-based violence. It also offers a guide to prevent sexual violence on campus.
Breakthrough@School is a resource hub for students and educators who are committed to building safer and more inclusive schools. By bettering our schools, we better ourselves. Here you’ll find the stories of our bold campus catalysts, as well as guides on campus visits and traditions, and ways for your school to collaborate with Breakthrough on innovative projects and student clubs.
This an AI program that provided undergraduate students with industry focused A.I./M.L. skills training, mentors and opportunities.
The Bystander Moment
The Bystander Moment is an innovative approach to preventing gender violence developed by Jackson Katz, Ph.D. It is an analysis of the role of the bystander in gender violence. It uses archival footage and clips from news, sports, and entertainment media. It explores the role of the bystander in perpetuating sexual harassment, sexual assault and others forms of violence. The Bystander Moment calls for colleges, sports, the military and workplaces to end participation in gender-based violence.
Campus Election Engagement Project
CEEP assists administrators, faculty, and staff and student leaders to engage students in federal, state and local elections. Schools use CEEP resources to help students register to vote, navigate challenging voting laws, and learn about the issues and candidates.
The Center for Public Integrity/ Reporter’s Toolkit: Investigating Sexual Assault
This toolkit provides a step by step guide for documenting and reporting campus sexual assault cases. Be aware of the available resources that can make a difference.
College Scholarships
Students can use this resource to find scholarships, grants, student loans and more education resources.
The Clery Center
The Clery Center works together with college and university communities to creat safe campuses. The organization support campuses via membership, Clery Act Training, seminars, consulting, webinars, and free resources.
Culture of Respect
Culture of Respect builds the capacity of educational institutions to end sexual violence through ongoing, expansive organizational change. The organization works to create policies and programs that support survivors and prevent sexual violence. Use their free tools to address your institution’s approach to ending sexual violence on campus.
Draw the Line
DrawTheLine is an interactive campaign to begin a dialogue about sexual violence and how an individual responds to issues in the moment can reduce sexual violence.
End Rape on Campus
End Rape on Campus (EROC) works to end campus sexual violence through direct support for survivors and their communities; prevention through education; and policy reform at the campus, local, state, and federal levels.
Free Application for Federal Student Aid
FAFSA is the go-to-guide for college financial aid. The site is a comprehensive source of student financial aid, advice and tools.
FUTURES WITHOUT VIOLENCE/ College and University programs and initiatives
FUTURES provides groundbreaking programs, policies, and campaigns that empower individuals and organizations working to end violence against women and children around the world. This link provides college and university programs and initiatives.
Futures Without Violence/ Title IX Guidelines
Title IX guidelines provides campuses with the tools and resources needed to promote healthy relationships and encourages colleges and universities to implement policies to protect all gender based crimes.
Go Ask Alice!
Go Ask Alice! is supported by a team of Columbia University health specialists, health care providers and other professionals. It is a health Q&A internet resource. It provides readers with reliable, accurate, accessible, culturally competent information and a range of thoughtful perspectives so that they can make responsible decisions concerning their health and well-being.
Human Media/ The Humankind Series/Thinking About Drinking
Human Media (Far Reaching Communications Inc.) is a production house which performs public broadcasting production and distribution activities in association with WGBH/Boston, NPR, the BTS Center, and Connie Goldman Productions. The Humankind series public podcasts, including this “Thinking About Drinking” program, are produced by Human Media of Belmont, Massachusetts.
I Owe Me Challenge
The I Owe Me Challenge is a national student competition that encourages students to analyze the current stated of retirement policy in the U. S. and purpose viable solutions to meet the needs of their generation.
Ignite/ College Programming
This college program addresses the barriers that impede political ambition. It instills a since of confidence in the participants by building their leadership skills and deepening their expertise around policy issues.
Inside Southern/ Sexual Misconduct, Rape Culture, Victim Blaming, And The Facts
The South Connecticut State University provides Inside Southern for students, faculty, and staff, bringing helpful resources together into one place. This link provides the definition of rape culture and how it has prevailed. Sexual assault facts, dating violence facts and other information is included to help students during their college years.
It’s On Us
It’s On Us is a national movement to end sexual assault. It’s On Us asks everyone – students, community leaders, parents, organizations, and companies – to step up and realize that the conversation changes with us.
Know Your IX
Know Your IX is a survivor-and youth-led project of Advocates for Youth that aims to empower students to end sexual and dating violence in their schools. The mission is to educate college and high school students in the U. S. about their legal right to safe education free from gender-based harms. It offers training and advocates for policy change.
Mapping Your Future
Mapping Your Future is a nonprofit that helps students, families, and schools navigate the higher education and student loan process through trusted career, college, and financial aid counseling resources.
Mental Health America Campus Life Program
MHA provides information for college students on issues such as: how to handle stress; alcohol and substance abuse; dealing with roommates; sleep problems; top ten freshman year issues; winter break survival tips; stress of planning for the future; and covid-19.
MVP (Mentors in Violence) Strategies/College
Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) is one of the longest-running and most widely influential gender violence, sexual harassment and bullying prevention programs in the world. This link lists and describes its college programs. The programs include presentations plus leadership training for students and professionals. The programs are adaptable for both four and two-year institutions.
The National Center for Campus Public Safety (NCCPS)
The National Center for Campus Public Safety (NCCPS) exists to support campus officials in creating safer and stronger campus communities. It is a government-funded centralized clearinghouse for the many resources and initiatives being undertaken nationwide. NCCPS collaborates with campus safety, law enforcement, administrators and advocacy organizations. A free webinar is available.
National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments/Safe Place
The National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments offers information and technical assistance to states, districts, schools, institutions of higher learning of student support and academic enrichment. They provide training to state administrators and grantees to improve student access to eduction and better use of technology for digital literacy in safe environments. This link describes The Safe Place, a resource kit encompassing a broad range of material introducing trauma-sensitive practice with an emphasis on sexual assault trauma.
The Red Flag Campaign
The Red Flag Campaign uses a bystander intervention strategy to address and prevent sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking on college campuses. The campaign educates participants about healthy and unhealthy relationships so bystanders can say something when they see warning signs of unhealthy behavior.
Pulitzer Center / Education
The Pulitzer Center is a nonprofit organization that reports on global issues and raises awareness of the interconnected nature of the challenges of our times. They organize 700-plus events each year for k-12, college and the public. The education programs and resources cultivate a more curious, engaged public by connecting teachers and students with underreported global news stories and the journalists who cover them.
The Representation Project/ Youth Media Lab
Add description. Mom, do you want this called “The Representation Project/ Youth Media Lab” or just “Youth Media Lab?”
Technology Safety is exploring technology in the context of intimate partner violence, sexual assault, and violence against women. This link takes you to documentation tips for survivors of technology abuse and stalking. It offers toolkits for survivors, agency use, confidentiality, legal systems and app safety.
ULifeline is an anonymous, confidential, online resource center, where college students can be comfortable searching for the information they need and want regarding emotional health.
USafeUS is an easy to use smartphone application that allows you to stay safe by using interactive features, instantly access help in your area should you ever become a victim of sexual violence, and to learn how to approach and help someone who has experienced an assault.
University of Northern Iowa Center for Violence Protection
The University of Northern Iowa collaborates with the Center for Violence Prevention (CVP) to provide gender violence prevention training through its programs and workshops. The university uses the It’s On Us program to prevent sexual assault, programs to educate bystanders, and sets policies that define campus sexual relationship guidelines to ensure a safe environment for all students.
The following references are about topics affecting college students.
These articles add urgency for changing cultural norms that allow young women to be subjected to dangerous situations in colleges across the U.S.